Digitalvizija provides photo and video recording from the air using specially adapted unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). We offer high-quality recording at a lower cost and higher level of detail, since our UAV can take photos and video from low altitude. The developments in r/c technology opened the possibility of aerial survey from the camera angle that was not previously possible.
Although developed as a hobby, this type of recording is rapidly becoming recognized by many professional cameraman so we decided to bring together many years of experience in professional photography and management and modification of UAV, and offer our customers the unique shots that can not be achieved by traditional approach.
Our UAV does not depend on the take off/landing strip, and can capture photo/video material in high resolution, from ground level up to several hundred meters in height and is equipped with a video link that sends the image from the air and therefore allows the real-time frames.
The advantages:
- Low-altitude frames
- Possibility to take off from any location
- Lower price of services
- Creating interactive aerial panoramas
- The material can be handed over after landing.