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Making picture frames

Digitalvizija IN provides its clients with high quality frame design at competitive prices. We offer framing of pictures, photos, fine art, mirrors, posters, diplomas, etc. Our services include custom framing, customized passepartout framing, canvas stretching, laminating, as well as consultations with professional staff with regards to the expert assessment of the best ways to protect and improve the aesthetics of your work.

Fast seal making

We are making the seals with your or our template, using revolutionary new technology. Seals are ready to be collected the same day you order them. They have a modern look and a guaranteed perfect reproduction and the toning.

Large print formats

We offer poster-size prints on "jumbo-printer" for various purposes and in different media, from the rolls that are one meter wide, and a length as much as needed.
Suitable to print billboards, mega-board, banners, etc.


In addition, we also offer photocopying, scanning, printing and the binding of documents, small printing services and the DTP, computer foil cutting and the manufacture of signs, ship registrations and adverts.

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